A few weeks ago I asked Instagram if they believed in the “breakup belt” curse, needlepoint folklore that states if you stitch a project for your significant other before an engagement or marriage you will break up. The results of the poll were very close- 46% said they believed and had experienced it, while 54% said they did not believe in the curse and were not superstitious.
Naturally, I took it one step further and asked followers WHAT their experience with the breakup belt curse was. Below are some of my favorites (of course I’m keeping it anonymous)
Warning, things got JUICY.
“A friend made a belt for her fiancé, and the wedding was called off”
“Got canvases for my hus after a separation. Immediately found out he had been cheating.”
“Not belt but friend did a pillow for bf and he broke up with her a week later…”
“Made him a custom belt and we broke up 3 months later!”
“Husbands belt came back from finisher one week before I decided I wanted a divorce”
“Made two for my ex!! Stitched my initials tiny on them though”
“After 15 years together, my husband and I separated after I made him a belt”
“90% thru a belt for him- came home one day and broke up w me out of the blue after 7yrs.”
“He tried get me to give up my dogs- belt is becoming 2 dog collars instead (got rid of him)”
“My friend was dating a guy and he showed up wearing one of the belts…his current wife ma”
“Made my college bf a gorgeous belt, 2 months later he cheated on me and told me on v day”
Some gave advice…
“No needlepoint before marriage” is our family line”
“Nothing bigger than a keychain before marriage!!!”
“I think it’s a curse if you tell them you’re stitching it! No curse if it’s a surprise gift!”
“I say never needlepoint anything while dating. 2 guys 2 breakups”
& others provided success stories
“I’ve made four belts for him, we’re now happily married!”
“I made an eyeglass case for his mom! We’ve been together 5 years and just moved in!”
“I stitched it for a boyfriend and now we’re married and have a baby”
“Happily married to the boyfriend I made a belt for in 2012!”
“Made him a belt before we were engaged, now happily married and he buys me canvases :-)”
To see all the answers visit Lycette’s instagram and click on the story highlight “Breakup Belt.”
PS the last tidbit is a theory from a needlepoint designer-